how to stop my dog from eating poop?
That’s one of the most common questions I receive from my email subscribers, so I decided to write this post so I have something to share.
Poop eating is a frustrating habit, not to mention disgusting!
So I’m going to go over the three options that actually work to stop your dog from eating poop!
How to stop a dog from eating poop in the yard
First of all, make sure your dog does not have a health problem that’s causing him to seek “nutrients” from poop. At the end of this post, I mention a supplement that can potentially help, and it’s a good idea to bring up this issue with your dog’s vet.
If you suspect the issue is more of a training issue, here are three options to try:
1. stop leaving your dog alone in the yard alone. Instead, take him out on a leash or go out with him. pick up the poop immediately.
2. use a long lead and teach a solid “Leave it!” rewarding with highly valued food rewards (hot dogs, hamburger) for ignoring the poop.
3. If nothing else is working, you might consider using an e-collar with a remote if you are comfortable with that idea.
That way, you can correct your dog with a “tap, tap” while you watch him from a window. I’m not saying this option is for everyone, but I get so many desperate emails looking for a solution.
One of the above three options should be able to help everyone.
I realize some people are not able or simply refuse to stop leaving their dogs in the yard unattended. That’s why I suggested training your dog with a long lead or an e-collar.
I also realize some people are uncomfortable with shock collars/e-collars, and that’s ok because the option with the long leash can work pretty well.
More details on the above three options:
1. If your dog eats poop in the yard, stop leaving him in the yard unsupervised.
Эй, угадай что?
My dog doesn’t eat poop! He’s never had the opportunity because we don’t have a fenced yard. He’s either out on a leash with me or off leash but still with me. Otherwise, he’s indoors.
I realize this option doesn’t make sense to some. You have a nice, fenced yard for your dog and you’re having nice weather so you want to leave him in the yard when you’re not home. I get it. but if he’s eating poop, and you truly want or need to stop the behavior then you might need to temporarily change your routine.
2. use a long lead to teach your dog to stop eating poop in the yard!
Another option is to put a long lead/leash on your dog and go out in the yard with him.
If he tries to eat poop, prevent him from doing so by stepping or pulling on the leash and say “LEAVE IT.” Then, reward with highly (and I mean highly!!) valued food like real hamburger, hot dogs or bits of steak. See my post: how to teach Leave It.
This option takes a lot of time, consistency and patience on the owner’s part. You might need to work for several weeks or months before you truly break your dog’s habit.
It won’t happen overnight and not even in a week. go out DAILY with your dog and practice. In a month or so you might see a difference. Or you might not.
This is why I like to recommend the e-collar approach. It’s not for everyone, but it does work the best and the fastest.
3. using an e-collar/shock collar to stop your dog from eating poop in the yard.
A lot of dog owners have already considered this option when they reach out to me for help, but it’s almost like they need reassurance that it’s the right choice. If your dog is eating poop and you’ve tried everything else, yes, I recommend the e-collar approach if you are comfortable with the idea.
Here’s the key: You need to find a collar with a remote so you can be standing inside at a window watching your dog and correct him from a distance.
I prefer a collar with multiple settings so you can control the correction level. I recommend the Garmin brand, and you can most likely put it on the lowest setting. That way the “correction” is more of a “tap, hey, don’t do that.”
Most dogs will only need a vibration-only correction or a very mild static correction. I always recommend testing it on your own wrist first so you know exactly what your dog will experience and you won’t feel guilty.
Shock collars are really not a big deal when used properly. people who are strongly against them seem to mean well, but they don’t understand how shock collars work. Or they’ve never been in a situation where one was needed.
A few tips when using thee-collar:
Use a strong enough correction to get your dog’s attention. This is better than 5 or 6 little “taps” your dog will learn to ignore.
If your dog doesn’t seem to notice the correction,Попробуйте более высокий уровень в следующий раз.
Если вы находитесь со своей собакой, предложите вознаграждения за еду, когда он оставляет какашку в одиночку. Вы можете сделать это сразу после коррекции.
Пусть ваша собака носит электронный воротник случайным образом, пока она не выключена, чтобы он не связывал исправления с воротником.
Что попробовать в дополнение к вышесказанному?
Вот несколько дополнительных советов, чтобы не дать собаке есть какашки во дворе:
Держите какашку? Доми!
Кормите регулярные блюда в определенное время (против оставления еды все время). Ваша собака будет в «расписании», и вы узнаете, когда ему придется идти.
Возьмите его с ветеринаром, чтобы обсудить смену диеты. Ему может понадобиться более качественная пища или такая с более высоким белком, более высоким жиром и т. Д. Подумайте о том, чтобы питать сырую диету.
Принесите образец стула, чтобы убедиться, что у него нет паразитов.
Еще больше советов!
Попробуйте добавку, такую как SEP с твердым золотом (прекратить есть какашки), чтобы предотвратить эту привычку. Это не будет волшебным образом решить вашу проблему, но может помочь. На фото ниже.
Покройте корму чем-то неприятным, чтобы ваша собака, такая как васаби или горячий соус или горький яблочный спрей. Убедитесь, что все, что вы используете, не причинит вреда вашей собаке, если их съедать.
Используйте корректор домашних животных, который представляет собой продукт, который распыляет сжатый воздух на питомце. Вариант использования при замене электронного ворота.
Удваивает упражнение вашей собаки (меньше сдерживающей энергии равна меньшей скуке)
Работайте над тренировкой послушания каждый день. Это увеличивает общий самоконтроль собаки и заставляет его с большей вероятностью слушать вас.
Дайте своей собаке какую -то «работу» или умственную деятельность каждый день. Ему может быть скучно!
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